HWN is a high growth, light oil focused Alberta Montney/Deep Basin consolidator



  • Light oil, low risk
  • >150 locations
  • Significant historical development and exceptional recent results by HWN and other operators
  • Multiple recent “top 10” wells in Alberta (Karr)
  • Less scalable and more localized than other plays, but strong returns and has potential for longer term secondary recovery

Alberta Montney

  • Light oil, high impact
  • >350 locations
  • Sizeable contiguous position in the up-dip oil window
  • Industry continues to advance completion designs, rejuvenating oil area activity
    HWN recently achieved excellent results
  • Significant inventory with repeatability and opportunity for economics optimization and growth


  • Light oil, low risk
  • 500 locations
  • Position spans the Cardium updip oil fairway in proven areas with significant HWN and offset operator activity
  • Deep inventory with potential to expand core areas
  • Diversified oil weighted properties provide optionality to chase best economics and/or improving economics